
4 captains Who Are Stronger Than Trafalgar Law In One Piece

Trafalgar Law

Trafalgar Law’s role in One Piece has steadily increased since his introduction in the Sabaody Archipelago arc. After entering the New World, his significance in One Piece has grown to the point where the story would be incomplete without him.

Even through the most recent chapter of One Piece’s manga, Law’s growth and development in the New World have been nothing short of impressive. Law’s fighting prowess has grown tremendously after battling through Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, and now Wano with the Straw Hats.

Trafalgar Law: four captains who are superior to Trafalgar Law in one piece, as well as four captains who are inferior to Trafalgar Law.

Trafalgar Law can’t compete with the four One Piece captains:

1) Monkey D. Luffy:

Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy

While Luffy does seem to lack an Awakening (which Law already has for his own Devil Fruit), the Straw Hat Captain is undoubtedly stronger. Law and Kid were put to the test against Big Mom in the most recent chapter of One Piece. Luffy has never been defeated in a one-on-one fight with Kaido, despite the fact that the two have both risen from perceived defeats. Both Kaido and Big Mom are formidable foes in their own right, but together they make a formidable team. It’s more impressive when Luffy does it on his own, which implies that he has more strength.

2) Kaido


In light of that, it’s safe to assume that Kaido is Far stronger than Law. Law and Kid need to work together to take on Big Mom, but Luffy is able to take on Kaido on his own.

For some fans, the fact that Kaido and Big Mom are teaming up implies that Kaido is stronger. On the other hand, it could be that Luffy is able to handle the strength of the two Yonko on his own. Thus, if Kaido is indeed stronger than Law, this would seem to support the theory.

3) Big Mom

Big Mom
Big Mom

While Law and Kid are almost certain to defeat Big Mom, it is still important to remember that the two had to work together to do so.. If One Piece author Eiichiro Oda wanted to show that either Kid or Law were as powerful as Big Mom, he would have made it a one-on-one fight.

However, Law and Kid’s decision to form a team clearly indicates that they are not in Big Mom’s league. This means that even if Law and Kid win this fight, Trafalgar Law is unlikely to be in Big Mom’s league of strength.

4) Shanks


Though he hasn’t engaged Trafalgar Law head-on yet, it’s safe to assume that Shanks has the upper hand. Conqueror’s Haki has been developed since the beginning of the series, and Shanks’ version is the first time fans have seen it in action.

Furthermore, in the days leading up to the Marine ford war, Shanks and Kaido fought a skirmish. Although the term “skirmish” implies a light fight, the feat is still impressive. Shanks and his crew’s escape from Kaido’s clutches would almost certainly indicate that Shanks is stronger than Law.

In comparison to Trafalgar Law, these four One Piece captains are Weaker

1) Capone “Gang” Bege

Capone “Gang” Bege
Capone “Gang” Bege

Capone “Gang” Bege, another member of the Worst Generation, undoubtedly commands a formidable crew. And his Devil Fruit is fascinating because it has the potential to be a formidable defensive fruit if used correctly.

However, in light of Law‘s recent awakening, Bege’s Castle-Castle Fruit‘s gimmicks are likely to be irrelevant. Law’s Kroom would allow him to still attack Bege and all of his castle’s occupants without difficulty. Bege’s castle tricks would also be hampered by Law’s basic Devil Fruit powers.

2) Eustass Kid

Eustass Kid
Eustass Kid

Despite the fact that they teamed up to take on Big Mom, it’s safe to assume that Law is still the superior fighter. Despite the possibility that Oda is holding back on disclosing them, it appears that Kid has fewer achievements in the New World than he did on the Grand Line.

Law was able to become a warlord during the time-skip, Eustass Kid was unable to accomplish the same thing. There is little doubt that Law is a better captain than Kid, given the combat experience he gained in Dressrosa while Kid was attempting to form an alliance.

3) Hody Jones

Hody Jones
Hody Jones

Hody Jones, the captain of the New Fish-Man Pirates, is modeled after Arlong’s Arlong Pirates and follows the same ideals as that crew. The Straw Hats had little trouble defeating Hody and his crew, even after they had taken energy steroids to increase their already impressive strength.

Law‘s ability to keep up with the Straw Hats since the end of Fish-Man Island indicates that he is more powerful than Hody. Furthermore, it’s clear that Hody was somewhat blind to the human race’s potential for strength in One Piece (whether he knew it or not). Trafalgar Law’s victory appears to be sealed by his conceitedness and lack of physical prowess.

4) Gecko Moria

Gecko Moria
Gecko Moria

While the outcome of Moria’s battle with Blackbeard is still unknown, it’s clear that Law is a better warlord than the former warlord. In order for Moria’s Shadow-Shadow Fruit to work, the victim must be completely unaware of what they’re doing.

Because Law has been portrayed thus far as a highly intelligent and savvy character, it is highly unlikely that he would succumb to Moria’s deception. Assuming Luffy’s victory over the Shadow-Shadow Fruit wielder prior to the time-skip, it’s safe to assume Law could handle any form of Moria’s.